News / Events / Exhibitions
July, 2004 |
Drawings from the Inkameep Day School Collection were on display at the Nk'Mip Cellars Winery as part of the National Aboriginal Day celebrations on June 21, 2004. The exhibition will continue until July 21. |
Updated July 22, 2004 |
May and June of 2004, the Nk’mip
Chronicles Exhibition travelled to the
Alberni Valley Museum. |
March 3, 2004 |
Dr. Andrea Walsh will
present a University of Victoria Centre of Religion and Society
Fellowship talk on March 3, 2004, from 4-6 p.m., at the University's
Art Museum and Gallery. Her paper will discuss several
of the pieces on display in the gallery's Inkameep exhibit.
Updated July 22, 2004 |
Summer 2004 has been
confirmed as the launch period for the
Museum of Canada web site Drawing
on Identity: Inkameep Day School Art Collection.
Created by UVic Anthropology professor
Dr. Andrea Walsh, the online exhibit will
feature a rare group of drawings by students
of the Inkameep Day School in the South
Okanagan during the 1930s and 1940s.
"This is the first website completely
dedicated to Native children's art, history
and culture. It showcases an unparalleled
exhibition of Native children's art creating
during the mid-20th century, and will
be of interest to a general audience as
well as researchers who are looking at
the role of children in cultural history."
-Andrea Walsh, Visual Anthropologist at
the University of Victoria and Lead Researcher
for the Inkameep Day School VMC website.
Posted Jan. 16, 2004 |
On February 24 and 26,
2004, The
Leading Edge: Innovation in BC on the Knowledge
Network will feature the CURA Inkameep project. The Knowledge
Network spent three days in Osoyoos, BC, in October of 2003
filming work on the Inkameep Day School Art Collection.
Feb. 23 – April 6, 2004 |
After a well-received
showing at the Vancouver Art Gallery in the recent Drawing
the World exhibition, the Inkameep Day School drawings will
be featured in an exhibition entitled Nk’mip Chronicles:
Drawings from the Collection of the Osoyoos Museum to be shown
at the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, Feb. 23 – April
6, 2004.
Posted Aug. 6, 2003 |
Victoria's daily newspaper,
the Times Colonist, ran a feature story on the CURA Inkameep
Day School Project last week. Click here
to read the full article. |
Posted July 26, 2003 |
CBC Radio 3 ran
about the CURA Inkameep Day School Project. Note:
you will need Flash Player 6 to view the site.
In addition, an interview with Project Director Andrea Walsh,
University of Victoria and Osoyoos Band Chief Clarence Louie
was featured on CBC Radio One's "Sounds Like Canada"
July 26. Click here for more information. |
Jun. 28 - Sept. 21, 2003 |
Vancouver Art Gallery
Thirty-six Inkameep drawings were included in a Vancouver
Art Gallery exhibition: Drawing the World, June 28-Sept. 21,
2003. View the original
press release from the VAG. (note:
link is to a PDF file)
June 2003 |
In June 2003 the Inkameep Day School Project received an
award from Virtual
Museums Canada (VMC) to develop a virtual web site for
the Canadian Heritage Information Network.
Nov. 26-28, 2002 |
Ottawa, ON
Co-hosted by the Department for Indian and Northern Affairs
Canada and the University of Western Ontario.
CURA Representatives Dr. Andrea Walsh and Brenda Baptiste
presented a poster focusing on the Nk’Mip Day School
Collection Research Project. The presentation united the three
principle conference goals by:
- Discussing Nk’Mip community participation in the
research project
- Discussing the utilization of an empowerment model, rather
than one of victimization of aboriginal peoples, as a method
for researching past events in contemporary times
- Demonstrating the benefits of collaborative research and
interdisciplinary research and scholarship.
On November 29, 2002, Andrea and Brenda attended an all-day
workshop hosted by SSHRC to discuss the development of strategic
priorities in the area of Aboriginal research. |
March 1-2, 2002 |
Co-hosted by the CURA
Program, the University of Victoria Humanities Centre, the
Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery and the Royal British Columbia
Museum, this public conference brought to light some of the
many untold stories of British Columbia.
A total of 11 guest speakers from universities and cultural institutions across Canada provided participants with a glimpse of history by presenting various topics related to the past and present of BC communities. The Inkameep Day School Art Collection Project was featured as part of the conference. Dr. Andrea Walsh presented a paper, �Drawing on Identity: The Inkameep Day School,� which was published in the anthology of conference papers: Untold Stories of British Columbia. Ed. Paul Wood. Humanities Centre, University of Victoria, 2003.
Image Gallery