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John & Katharine Maltwood Collection
Notable B.C. Artists - Daisy R. Swayne & Emily Schofield |
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Daisy Rebecca Swayne was the daughter of the Empire-famed architect Richard Roskell-Bayne, designer of Calcutta's post office and a dozen similar public buildings. She studied under Ina Uhthoff and later went to Camberwell Art School in London to specialize in pottery.91 Both she and Emily Schofield, widow of Bishop Schofield, were very energetic in the Victoria Pottery Club and enjoyed experimenting in numerous glaze techniques. When Ina Uhthoff had taken over the Pottery School on Kingston Street, glazes were more or less restricted to the "Brown Betty" type and realism was widespread. She encouraged the making of glazes and tried to convince students pure form was something to be desired. As a result Rebecca Swayne and Mrs. Schofield went on to create some exquisite colours, a particular favourite being a subtle blue green shade they named "west wind". In keeping with Ina Uhthoff and Katharine Maltwood's taste, their bowls, pots and tiles show pure lines of shape, ornaments being naturally integrated with the design.
All content on this page is copyright © 7 February, 2006 Rosemary Brown, the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, and the University of Victoria
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