Mayo Memorial Hall (1879, at cost of 17,000 pounds)
East India Railway Offices (1881 - 1884, at cost of 50,000
Office |
In addition to
these structures, the entry in Williams' Directory mentions
the following as works for which Bayne was responsible:
Calcutta Public markets (76,000 feet, at cost of 60,000 pounds.
This may refer to the Sir Stuart Hogg Market of 1874, sometimes
referred to as the Nwe Market, based on the fact that it was
financed by the Calcutta Corporation for public use, the date
of its construction, and stylistic similarities to known Bayne
A joint scheme with Mr. Chas. Denlam, (?) E.C., for dock and
canal connection with Calcutta.
Beth-ael Synagogue (The Bethel Synagogue was built in 1856 while
Bayne was still a student in London, but it is possible that
he worked on the extensive renovations of 1885 and was responsible
for its current appearance).
Corinthian Theatre (it is not determined if this was built).
New Masonic Hall (it is not determined if this was built).
Design for European hospital with 160 beds (It is not determined
if this was built).
Design for a scheme of theatre, baths, gymnasium, and recreation
grounds (It is not determined if this was built).
Public Markets (It is not determined if this was built).
Town Hall (It is not determined if this was built).
Native Hospital (It is not determined if this was built).
Masonic Hall (It is not determined if this was built).
Public Baths (It is not determined if this was built).
"A Large Hotel costing 15,000 pounds" (It is not determined
if this was built).
References mare
made to other structures in the Williams' Directory that
do not state the specific location of the buildings. These include:
jute and cotton mills" (Calcutta?)
Bathing Ghauts" (Calcutta?)
private dwellings for natives" (Calcutta?)
out all their (East India Railway Company) buildings" (Calcutta
and elsewhere?)
railway engineering" (Calcutta and elsewhere?)
Hill Station private residences" (Allahabad?)
very large Hill Sanitarium School for 200 boys and girls, with
hydraulic water scheme, with 1,200 feet rise to school building"
for the Raja of Durbungha, involving an estimated expenditure
of over 100,000 pounds" (Possibly the completion of a palace
designed and begun by Mant sometime after 1875?)
The drawings and
sketches of Bayne's 1864-65 European sketching tour obtained by
the Maltwood Museum and Art Gallery include additional works by
Bayne made during his tenure in India. The earliest is dated 1870.
He seems to have made a skecthing tour in 1870 and 1871 when he
recorded Muslim and Hindu monuments in Benares, Delhi, Allahabad,
Madras, and possibly the Buddhist rock temple at Karli. Drawing
dated 1882 and 1883 include monuments from Ahmadabad, Bombay,
Brindabun, Chitor, and Calcutta. There are also undated drawings
of monuments in Moorabad and Calcutta.