Boxes - 1-3, Bali | 4-5, BC | 6-7, BC History
8-10, Artists | 11-13, BC Art | 14-17, TV
printable version of whole inventory

BOX 04: Miscellaneous

Spreitz on the Royal Hudson train
-- on the promotional tour to Los Angeles
(for the Department of Tourism).

"McCauley Point Outfall", 1968 -1970, The building of the McCauley Point Fallout from assembly to pipes; welding the two mile long floating pipe supported by tug boats; the final lowering and the official opening."

"Royal Hudson" - (1977) Train to Los Angeles, train to San Francisco, train to Squamish. Tourism film produced by the BC Department of Travel Industry. Director - Karl Spreitz, Script - Colin Browne.

"A Place For All People" - From the pages of the Beautiful British Columbia Magazine, (30 minutes). Features Stanley Park, Vancouver Boy’s Choir, Mission, Cloverdale Medieval Festival, Snake Fences in the Caribou.

"UN in the Classroom" - (1950), 15 minutes long.

"Milfoil in the Okanagan" - (1970) The growth of milfoil in the Okanagan Lakes; underwater spreading of seeds and the animation which shows the government’s weed cutter. (The Minister at the time was upset by the scientists’ explanation pointing out the uselessness of the Government’s operation).

"Actors on Board BC Ferries" - Entertainment on the early BC Ferry runs. Camera original is 10 minutes.

"Railroad Going North (BC)" - Filmed from the air, depicts the fatal 600 miles of railroad going north to nowhere. WAC Bennett "make work" program.

"Summer Symphony" - (1972) Victoria Summer Symphony Festival, Lazlo Gati conductor. Performed in front of the newly opened Provincial Museum.

"News Parade" - Newsreel from 1933 - 10 minutes.

"Fishing in the Cowichan Bay" - 30 minutes.

"Coho on the Fly" - (1972) Early morning sunrise in the bay with hundreds of coho flopping amongst fishing boats. Plenty of fish being caught with the final conclusion a fishing derby with 150 entries all catching the limit. The winning fish weighed in at 40 lbs. A valuable document to show the incredible reduction of fish in the Cowichan Bay.

U998.41.4/1 "U.N. in the Classroom - 1950 B&W"
U998.41.4/2 "Fishing in Cowichan Bay - Orig. outs"
U998.41.4/3 "Railroad Going North - From air - orig."
U998.41.4/4 "Actors on Board BC Ferry - orig."
U998.41.4/5 "Royal Hudson to Squamish - out takes"
U998.41.4/6 "Mixed News includes Queen’s visit - orig. negs."
U998.41.4/7 "Royal Hudson - Squamish - orig."
U998.41.4/8 "McCauley Point Fallout - 1 print to project, 1 work print"
U998.41.4/9 "A Place for all People - work print"
U998.41.4/10 "Royal Hudson - San Francisco"
U998.41.4/11 "Milfoil in Okanagan 1970"
U998.41.4/12 "Summer Symphony - Lazlo Gati"
U998.41.4/13 "Royal Hudson to Squamish - orig."
U998.41.4/14 "McCauley Point - supervisor"
U998.41.4/15 "Milfoil"
U998.41.4/16 "News Parade"
U998.41.4/17 "Royal Hudson - Squamish OK to project"
U998.41.4/18 "Milfoil - OK to project"

BOX 5: Artists
see BOXES 8-10 for more

"Shakespeare 400 Birthday" — Shakespeare returns to celebrate his 400th birthday. 40 minute animation in black and white featuring drawings by Michael Morris. A Karl Spreitz/Michael Morris collaboration.

"Mechanical Man (Sightseer)" —A mechanical toy from 1880 walks through a landscape painted by Michael Morris and the American flag. A Karl Spreitz/Michael Morris collaboration.

"Karl Spreitz"

"Jan & Helga Grove" — (1970) at the Victoria Art Gallery.

"Maxwell Bates and Myfanwy Pavelic in conversation" — 1 inch video cassette.

"Maxwell Bates" —Showing his process to complete a monotype.

"Godfrey Stevens" —A Victoria sculptor

"Leon Erickson" —with an eagle

"Art Critics’ Conference in Victoria" — (1970) Interview by Bill Thomas.

Maxwell Bates at his 70th birthday party, surrounded by friends dressed as figures from his work.

Photo: Karl Spreitz
U998.41.5/1 "Shakespeare - original"
U998.41.5/2 "Max orig. sound"
U998.41.5/3 "Shakespeare - orig. outs"
U998.41.5/4 "Max orig."
U998.41.5/5 "Max Bates orig. S.O.F"
U998.41.5/6 "Michael Morris - Mechanical Man"
U998.41.5/7 "Maxwell Bates - original S.O.F"
U998.41.5/8 "Myfanwy +Max Bates" (3/4 inch video cassette)
U998.41.5/9 "Godfrey - Victoria Artists - Head"
U998.41.5/10 "Karl Spreitz"
U998.41.5/11 "Leon Erickson"
U998.41.5/12 "Art Critics 1970 Bill Tho"
U998.41.5/13 "Jan & Helga"


Boxes - 1-3, Bali | 4-5, BC | 6-7, BC History
8-10, Artists | 11-13, BC Art | 14-17, TV