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Ceremonial Furniture: "Raven and Sun" carved kneeling stool handrails

Glen Tallio

Born in Bella Coola in 1949 Glen Tallio has spent much of his adulthood in Vancouver as well as Bella Coola. He comes from a heritage of chiefs and carvers in the Bella Coola area and carries forward the distinctive Bella Coola style of carving. For the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec and the Canadian Government, among other clients, Glen has completed major commisions for canoes, dance screens, masks, feast dishes and house fronts. While the "Raven brings light to the World" legend is ubiquitous on the Northwest Coast, Glen has carved the handrails to form this legend in a style distinctive to Nuxalk culture. In keeping with carving tradition of the Northwest Coast cultural groups, the body of the Raven becomes the object and the light is economicaly depicted in the refined disk in the Raven's beak.

For more information, visit the official University of Victoria Ceremonial Furniture web site.