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 Welcome  Artists

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Oil on canvas

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South America
Acrylic, oil, paper, and fabric on canvas

Marlene Davis

Marlene Davis was born in 1955 in Vancouver, B.C. and attended both the Victoria College of Art and the University of Victoria. In 1987 Davis received the Province of British Columbia Scholarship Grant before her 1989 Fine Arts 89/91 Honourable Mention. Davis has exhibited in both solo and group shows. Her solo exhibitions include presentations at Swan's Hotel, the Fran Willis Gallery and the Richmond Art Gallery while her numerous group exhibitions include the Herald Street Cafe, Gallery Opus 2 Inc, Montreal, and the Boehme Gallery XV111.

Her work is found in numerous collections including those of Camosun College, Cumberbirch Insurance, Grant McEwan College (Edmonton), British Importers, and the Provincial Art Collection of British Columbia.