Books and Periodicals
Abbott, H. and Brown, S. Eds. The Spirit Within. New York: Rizzoli, 1995.
Angell, T. Ravens , Crows, Magpies, and Jays.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1978.
Bergland, D. L. and Zuk, W. M. Art First Nations.
Montreal: Art Images Publications, Inc., 1992.
Berry, W. D. 1954-1956 Alaskan Field Sketches.
Fairbanks, Alaska: University of Alaska Press, 1989.
Blackman, M. B., Hall, E. S. Jr. and Rickard, V. Northwest Coast Indian Graphics.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1981.
Bruchac, J. and Caduto, M. J. Keepers of the Earth.
Saskatoon, Sask.: Fifth House Publishers, 1989.
Carlson, R. L. Ed. Indian Art Traditions of the Northwest Coast.
Vancouver: Archeology Press, Simon Fraser University, 1976.
Cotter, P. The Beautiful B.C. Magazine Book of Eagles.
Victoria: Beautiful B.C. Magazine, 1995.
Dickason, O. P. Indian Arts in Canada.
Canada: Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1972.
Dockstader, F. J. Indian Art in America.
New York: Promontory Press.
Drucker, P. Indians of the Northwest Coast.
Garden City, NY: The Natural History Press, 1963.
Feder, N. American Indian Art.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1965.
Gerber, P. R. Indians of the Northwest Coast.
United States: Facts On File Publications, 1989.
Goddard, P. E. and Kew, D. Indian Art and Culture of the Northwest Coast.
Vancouver: Hancock House, 1974.
Gunther, E. Art in the Life of the Northwest Coast Indians.
Portland, OR: Portland Art Museum, 1966.
Hawthorn, A. Kwakiutl Art.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1967.
Holm, B. The Box of Daylight.
Seattle: Seattle Art Museum
Seattle & London: University of Washington Press
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1983.
Holm, B. Northwest Indian Art.
Vancouver: J. J. Douglas Ltd., 1978.
Holm, B. and Reid, B. Indian Art of the Northwest Coast.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1975.
Holm, B. Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form.
Seattle: University of Washington
Inverarity, R. B. Art of the Northwest Coast Indians.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1950.
Jacka, J. and L. E. Beyond Tradition.
Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing Co., 1988.
Jensen, D. and Sargent, P. Robes of Power.
Vancouver: The University of B.C. Press, 1986.
Jonaitis, A. Ed. Chiefly Feasts.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1991.
Jonaitis, A. and Mathews, Z. P. Native North American Art History.
Palo Alto, CA: Peek Publications, 1982.
Kirk, R. Wisdom of the Elders.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1986.
Macnair, P. L. The Legacy: Continuing Traditions of Northwest Coast Indian Art.
Victoria: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1980.
McFeat, T. Ed. Indians of the North Pacific Coast.
Toronto: Mc Clelland & Stewart Ltd., 1966.
Mech, L. D. The Arctic Wolf.
Toronto: Key Porter Books Ltd., 1988.
Rapoport, A. House Form and Culture.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1968.
Spence, L. The Illustrated Guide to North American Mythology.
London: Studio Editions Ltd., 1993.
Suttles, W. Ed. Handbook of North American Indians, V.7.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990.
Wade, E. L. The Arts of the North American Indian.
New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1986.
Woodcock, G. Peoples of the Coast: The Indians of the Pacific Northwest.
Edmonton, AB: Hurtig Publishers, 1977.
Wooding, F. H. Wild Mammals of Canada.
Canada: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., 1982.