The Frog

As told by Charles Elliott

Though very small and peaceful the frog has an important role to play in Coast Salish myths and legends even to this very day. The frog is the one in the Spring of the year who sings in March to announce the beginning of the new year. In the past, as in the present, the singing of the frogs announces the beginning of a new cycle; another yearly cycle begins. To the Coast Salish people and culture, the voice of the frogs tells us all to put aside the things of winter such as winter dancing and potlatching - to begin the new cycle of preparation for next winter's activities. The little frog, though small, has a very important job to do in the yearly cycle equally as important as the arrival of CENTEKI, the first salmon (which is sockeye) or PEKELANEW, the moon which turns the leaves white.

The frog is honoured as the keeper of the sacred seasons and is often honoured in our legends and stories appearing in our art works and totems, house posts etc.

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