Equipment List - UVic Centre Auditorium & Senate Chamber
Each of the two
main presentation rooms, the UVic Centre Auditorium and the
Senate Chamber, will be equipped with the following:
1 MAC with CD ROM drive, Power Point, Internet Explorer
Note: has no floppy disk drive
1 PC with CD
ROM drive, Power Point, Internet Explorer
Both PC and MAC will have Internet connectivity through UVic LAN
1 XGA LCD Projector hooked up through a switcher to both the PC and MAC
1 podium with podium mike and wireless mike
1 overhead projector
1 VHS VCR connected to LCD Projector through switcher
1 large screen
1 skirted tall equipment cart beside podium for presenter's own laptops
Presenter's laptops can be connected to Internet if they have a network
card / PCMCIA
Sound system will take stereo output from presenter's laptops
Senate Chamber
only: Beta SP Playback deck