New Media Conference 2001 Program

Welcome Letter from the Conference Chair

Delegate List

Press releases

List of equipment in each venue for presenters

Printable version of the program


Sunday Feb. 11, 2001


Registration Opens

Empress Hotel

Crystal Ballroom

6:30 - 8:30 pm
Opening Reception, Crystal Ballroom, Empress Hotel Inner Harbour, Downtown Victoria
sponsored by VIATeC
Vancouver Island Advanced Technology Centre
co-hosted by the University of Victoria and the New Media Innovation Centre
hors d'oeuvres / cash bar
Welcoming Remarks & Introductions @ 7:00 pm
Prof. Martin Segger
Conference Chair
Director, UVic Government & Community Relations,
Maltwood Gallery &
UVic Centre Auditorium
Steve Orcherton, MLA
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology
Doug Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, Vancouver Island Advanced Technology Centre
Dr. Alan Winter
President and CEO
New Media Innovation Centre
Vice-Admiral Ron Buck
Commander, Maritime Forces Pacific
Dr. David Turpin
President & Vice Chancellor
University of Victoria
Presentation of Hyperion Award to Murray Goldberg, WebCT Canada

Monday, Feb. 12, 2001

7:00 am
Exhibitor Setup @ UVic Centre
Registration Opens @ UVic Centre

Maltwood Gallery

UVic Centre Auditorium

Senate Chamber

Track I UVic & SGI Presentations
Track 2 - Plenary
Track 3 - Workshops
Opening Plenary Keynote Presentation:
Bill Buxton
Chief Scientist
Alias Wavefront, Toronto
Digital Film Making: It's More Than Just Another Film Stock
Coffee Break
Viewing of Exhibits
(Lobby & Maltwood)
Maltwood Gallery
"Digital Body, Digital Space"

and SGI Reality Centre
All Exhibits Open Until Tues. afternoon - 4:00 pm

An exhibition of digital art works from UVic's
Fine Arts Lab for Extended Media

SGI Reality Centre
Roger Mundell, Manager, (CEDAR), Centre for Economic Development and Applied Research, Royal Roads University
Using Macromedia Tools to Create Effective Learner-centred Online Courseware

Pat Brogan, Vice President of Education & Learning, Macromedia
Trends in Learning Therories
- a systems view of learning, defining effective instruction, tools and standards, examples of good instructional content

Dr. Bernard Frischer

What is 'CVR' and why does it matter? The mission and projects of the UCLA Cultural Virtual Reality Laboratory

Open House of the UCLA Cultural Virtual
Reality Lab

1:00 pm
University Centre Auditorium

Keynote Speaker:

Awarded the New Media Conference Hyperion Award for Excellence in New Media
Murray Goldberg
Founder and President
WebCT Canada
Trends in Education Technology  

Maltwood Gallery

UVic Centre Auditorium

Senate Chamber




Creativity in 3D:
An Introduction to Maya

UVic Centre, Room A 183

Bill Buxton, Alias|Wavefront
Brad Clarkson, Alias|Wavefront


With the growth of the web and the graphics capabilities of today's computers, graphic artists are beginning to be able to extend their palette by moving from 2D to 3D images and content. This opens up a number of areas for the artist and designer: web graphics, training, video game creation, feature film visual effects, animation, indusrial design, and visualization.
With this transition comes a new set of tools, of which Maya is a prime example.

Further Info.

University of Victoria
Dr. David McCutcheon, Faculty of Business - Using 'Blackboard' eLearning Tools
Dr. Michael Best, Dept. of English - Beyond Imagination: The Internet Shakespeare Editions as a Case Study in the Creation of Quality Content on the Internet
Dr. William Zuk & Dr. Robert Dalton, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction -
Intergenerational Experiences Using Web Site Exhanges of Visual Information

Macromedia Workshop 1

Elearning with Macromedia

This session will focus on selecting the right authoring tools to create engaging, dynamic learning content. Products covered will include: Dreamweaver and Flash, and the new learning extensions for both; and an overview of Director and Authorware. A brief overview of data driven learning options will be reviewed, for those who are evaluating server-based authoring systems. Examples of outstanding content from the various tools will be demonstrated. Learning Management systems standards and connectivity will be briefly discussed.


Dr. Dave Chowdhury
Director of Research & Education Programming Partnerships, New Media Innovation Centre

Overview of NewMIC
Dr. Ann Levi-Lloyd, Director
Business Development

The NewMIC Broadband Networking Cluster
Dr. Eric Manning, NewMIC Scientist, Nortel Network Performance & Professor of Engineering, UVic

Building Blocks for E-Learning - The Portal for Online Objects in Learning

Nick Galan, Project Manager, POOL
New Media For Learning and Community
Chuck Hamilton, Manager of e-Business and Media, IBM Pacific Development Centre
Virtual Humans?
Dr. John Buchanan, Director, Advanced Technology
Electronic Arts

Macromedia Workshop 2

Teaching with Macromedia's tools

This session will review the educational offerings from Macromedia addressing the use of technology as a curriculum supplement, technology as curriculum and technology-based curriculum. Curriculum programs like Web 101 (30 hours of curriculum), Training Cafe (an online program of Internet skills training for educators) and Macromedia University will be discussed. Examples of technology programs will be shown.



Buses Depart for Naval Officer Training Centre

6:00- 8:30
Vancouver Harbour Visual Graphic
Tour of Navigation & Bridge Simulator
Naval Officer Training Centre
Commander Sandy Bellows
Maritime Forces Pacific Command
Dept. of National Defense

L Cdr Molly McCarthy-Senebald, PhD, Educational Technology
Learning Technologies as Aplied to Occupational Training in the Canada Navy
reception, salmon BBQ
presentation and tour of Navigation & Bridge Simulators
Naval Officer Training Centre

Tuesday Feb. 13, 2001


Maltwood Gallery

UVic Centre Auditorium

Senate Chamber

Opening Plenary Keynote Presentation:
Virtual Reality: Changing the Code for Learning
Walter Stewart
Director, Global Marketing, Research and Education
Silicon Graphics (SGI)

Coffee Break
Viewing of Exhibits
Netcasting: Technology Trends & Business Models
Moderator: Joseph Weiler
Professor, Faculty of Law, UBC

Streaming Media - A Reality Check
Al Mattrick, Director of Business
Development and
David McIlroy, Director Media Technology, Insinc

Good News Travels Fast
Gary Shilling, Marketing Manager, NewspaperDirect
Camosun College
Towards Effective Teaching and Learning With Technology - Experiences at Camosun College
Paul Merner: (Moderator)
Kevin Carter: Keeping Teaching and Learning Principles in Focus
Laurie Phipps : BASIS - Using Technology in Business Administration Programs
Helen Pearce: What Really Works in Audio
Martin Buck: Supporting Learning with WebCT
Karen Clarke: Supporting Faculty
Cadboro Commons Dining Room
Introduction: Diane Lloyd, Manager, Business and Corporate Relations, Development Department, UVic

Kegan Adams
Strategic Customer Relations, Education
Telus Role in New Media

Maltwood Gallery

UVic Centre Auditorium

Senate Chamber




Moderator: Roger Mundell, Manager, Centre for Economic Development and Applied Research (CEDAR), Royal Roads University
Industry Training Models for New Media Skills
Kerry Jothen, CEO
Industry Training & Apprenticeship Commission
British Columbia

Broadband Internet - Connectivity That Changes the Definition of Content
Susan Baldwin
Director, Advanced Content

From Victoria to Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the Early Childhood Development Virtual University
Ken Faris, Manager
Internet Business Services
Centre for Education Information
(2:00 to 3:30 pm)
Technical University of British Columbia

The Application of New Media in Educational Technology at Tech BC
Alice Mansell
Vice-President, Academic
Ron Wakkary
Dean of Academic Planning

Rob Craig, President & CEO
Stratford Internet Technologies
& Chairman, New Media BC
Competing in the U.S.: Canadian Tricks, Tools and Techniques in Multimedia

David Leverton, Director, Northern Lights Space & Science Centre
Immersive Reality: The Story of the Northern Lights Space & Science Centre in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. Population 1700.
Dr. Anthony Welch, Director, Office of International Affairs, University of Victoria
Akio Iwasaki Professor of Sociology Tokyo Denki University
Introduction to the Academic and Research Programs of the New Media Centre at Tokyo Denki University
4:30 -

Will Bauer, Inventor
Martin Lighting Director
Closing Reception
Concourse Gallery
Visual Arts Building

Preview of Martin Lighting System / Multimedia Gallery
wine and cheese
    hors d'oeuvres

Dr. Steve Gibson
Digital Multimedia
Faculty of Finearts, UVic

For a printable version of the program, click here.
For press releases, click here.