Ceremonial Furniture: Kneeling Figure, mace stand carving
Tom Hunt
Tom Hunt, son of George and Mary (nee Henderson)
Hunt was born in Victoria in 1964 but as a young man made Fort Rupert,
B.C. his home. Tom began his training with his father and continued
with his uncle Calvin Hunt and grandfather Sam Henderson. Tom Hunt
is a versatile and gifted carver and graphic artist. He is best
known for his masks and totem pole carving but is equally skilled
in the creation of other ceremonial and decorative pieces. Tom Hunt
has collaborated on many major commissions with Susan Point, John
Livingston, Calvin Hunt and other master carvers as well as fulfilling
private and public commissions world wide. The kneeling figure of
the mace stand follows the long standing artistic traditions of
Kwakwaka'wakw culture.