Memorial Arena (1948)

1925 Blanshard Street

Architects: Hubert Savage, D.C. Frame, and Douglas James Associated Architects

Although first mooted in 1940, the Arena had to await the end of World War II when it was built as a memorial to those who gave their lives. The original 1940 proposal called for a large gable roof structure, more in the traditional of a military drill hall. As finally built in 1948, the form was dictated by a construction technology based on the by then familiar large-scale reinforced concrete structures pioneered in the European airship hangars of the 1930s, then perfected on wartime airfields and coastal defence installations. Even so, the construction was fraught with technical problems and cost overruns. The 76-foot-high concrete load-bearing arches were poured in place using travelling false-work supports. Exterior dimensions are 280 feet by 165 feet with a seating capacity of 7,200. One can discern brief low-relief decorative gestures, obviously built into the concrete form-work, vaguely Classical references to the then-retardetaire Art Deco style.

